Can I just say how so sorry I am. I know, I say that a lot, but still, I mean it. I've been so busy lately. I haven't even had time to come up with a topic for this post. But, while I spend a moment collecting my thoughts here's a picture! Here, we, go!
Can I just say, how true is this? Right now, while I type I'm doing math homework, and listening, LISTENING to the audio book of "The Picture of Dorian Gray." That's right, I don't even have enough time to actually read the book.
On top of all this, I've been working from four to ten about every night. Except for Fridays, when I have football games to play at (in the band). Last Saturday was homecoming, and I realized that I didn't even want to go, I just wanted to stay home and sleep.
This is my Senior Year, it should be easy, right? I shouldn't have to worry about anything, except for what pranks to pull, right??
Apparently not. I meant to clean my room over this weekend, but it looks like that's not going to happened. Erg! Next week, I'm taking the constitution test, at least that'll be somewhat easy.
OH! before I forget! Big shout out to everyone who is or has suffered from breast cancer. Every day this month I think how lucky I am, and my heart goes out to the families whose loved ones have passed away.
I am inviting all of you, anyone who happens to be reading this, please on Fridays of October wear pink, even boys. (We all know that real men wear pink) One other thing, just enjoy life.
Life is one of the greatest things that we have, and you shouldn't waste it. (This does not endorse YOLO. If you promote YOLO then I send my heart out to you, and your silly and possibly stupid decisions.)
From my corner to your heart, K.
(I will try my hardest to start posting every week again, at least.)