Thursday, October 25, 2012

I apologize? sort of...

Yes, I do. Here, we, go.

Not like this though, it just didn't want to turn on.

So, my computer has been broken for a few days, hince the no posts for a little while. So, what's happened in K's life, whelp, pretty much nothing. I went to my classes, did my school work, watched a bunch of The Big Bang Theory (Great show, I love it.) and went to bed. Yeah, my life is so interesting I know. That's why I don't have my own TV show.....sadness.

This post is going no where, and I probably won't publish it because of that. Man, am I tired of these political campaining commercials. It's like, guise! if you don't have their vote by now, you're never going to get it.

Personally, I'm in the 'vote for who ever you want as long as you vote' party. well, anyway. I might as well sign off.

From my corner to your heart, K.

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