I have terrible organization skills, in terms of other people. See, I know exactly where everything is, but telling someone to get something for me is like using Jack Sparrows compass to tell which way North is, it doesn't work. Sometimes I feel like I'm in one of those high-jacking movies, like heist or Oceans Eleven, and if I give the person the wrong directions they'll pull the alarm or trip a mine or something. Wow, that's a long intro, any who,
(My future office when I get a real job.) |
So, to help with this problem I use sticky notes, so naturally I got kind of carried away and now they are all over my room. My walls are covered in blue, pink, green, white, and yellow. The thing is, most people would have it color coded, like have all the blue notes be things that need to be done right that instant. With me? Coding doesn't exist, it's all just not organized.
But, I still get stuff done, so I guess it works. My future roommate might not be so thrilled about it though.
Nothing in my room is really organized (still acording to other people's definition of organized.) That's one of the reasons I dislike cleaning my room, because I can never find anything afterwards, and it drives me bonkers. That's my excuse for not cleaning my room enough. My parents don't buy it though, haha.
Oh well, it makes me feel a little better. Well, I still have sticky-notes to put up, so, until next time..
From my corner to your heart, K.
(If only I could find my lost pencils...)
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