Monday, July 15, 2013

Job Limbo List

So for the past few months (ever since school ended) I've been job searching. I just want to say that all those businesses that aren't going to hire me because I'm not 'old enough' ya'll are missing out!, we, go.

That's right guys, Kellie is trying to get her life back together by getting a job. Man, do I want a job. My summer has been pretty dull, and I have stuff that I want (like a new laptop or a new flute) and to get that I need this thing called money.

What's worse is that my father is practically breathing down my neck, because if I don't get a "real" job then I have to work for him. That goes against one of my rules. The Platinum rule: Never work with family. It's really frustrating too, because I can't just apply at a McDonalds or something because the hours HAVE to be flexible around marching band and concert band.

Sometimes I hate band.

But, to be helpful I'm making a list of things to keep in mind while waiting for places to wake up and hire you.

Limbo List!
  • Why you're doing this. I want that new flute. I need that new laptop.
  • Who you're going to meet. Maybe your to be co-worker will become famous and remember you then mention you to a really hot friend.
  • Is life a movie? No, but if it was you'd meet your new boy/girlfriend at work.
  • Your friends can meet you! That is...if you have friends, then they can pop in and see you at work!
  • Less time with the 'rents. I love my parents, but they can be sometimes overbearing.
  • More birthday celebrations! Who doesn't love a happy birthday once a year.
  • Making someone else's day. All it takes is a smile.
That's all I got. Just repeat the motto: "I is kind, I is smart, I is important!" but don't put that on your resume....then you really won't get hired.
From my corner to your heart, K.

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