Tuesday, February 12, 2013


In case anyone is wondering, I did make it into the musical. I get to be a part of the wonderful people that make up the choir ensemble! Onto other news, recently in my sociology class we did this activity that delt with values. Here, we, go.

Everyone in class had to put  the twenty values (above) in order of most to least important. I've desided to share my countdown with you. 1 is most important and 20 is less important to me. Remember, that I think all of them are important, but if I had to order them...

20 Values all in a row!
  1.  Self-Control 
  2.  Dependable
  3.  Honest
  4.  Loyal
  5.  Mature
  6.  Supportive
  7.  Caring
  8.  Courageous
  9.  Competent
  10.  Ambitious
  11.  Forward-looking
  12.  Fair-minded
  13.  Determinded
  14.  Broad-minded
  15.  Independent
  16.  Intelligent
  17.  Cooperative
  18.  Straightforward
  19.  Inspiring
  20.  Imaginative
If I could have added more to the list I would have pushed them all down one and made Love numer 2. So, why did I put Self-Control as my number one? If you can't control yourself then what can you control? And who is controlling your life then? Are there people with too much self-control? Yes, but it's better to have too much and none at all.

As for why I put 20 as imaginative, it's not because I think that imagination is stupid. It's just when I look at the big picture all of the values at 1-19 just seem a little more important. And I'm not meaning that to sound mean, that's just the way my value system works.

Keep in mind that it took me a while to come up with this order, and that in all honesty a lot of things would have tied if that were possible.

From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Probably won't be writing constantly like I wanted to be doing because of musical practice.)

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