Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Here. We. Go.

Half-days are the dumbest thing that schools ever came up with. I know why they halve only four hour days, to get money from the state, but still!

First of all, teachers don't have enough time for an actual lesson, so nearly every class is a study hall. Second, no one wants to give homework because the likelyhood of it getting done are slim to none. Thirdly, by the end of those painstakingly dull hours everyone is starving and grumpy. Because everyone wants to go out to B-dubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) or Cherry Berry (A frozen yoguart place) the parking lot is a nightmare to get out of!

What really sucks is that my little cousin's school doesn't get out for another half hour, and I have to pick him up. So I'm past hungry, and all I want to do is get home, eat, and enjoy the day.

Gosh, I like half-days, don't get me wrong. Any time away from school is time well spent, but it's just a pain sometimes.

From my corner to your heart, K.

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