Monday, March 18, 2013

Pay has words to share...

Sadly I've been really down today. Um, my friend Payton's mother passed away last weekend. Here we go.

Recently it's been a crying-fest at Pay's house. As well it should be. Losing someone as important as your mother is very difficult. Pay is only fifteen, and in all honesty she shouldn't have to deal with this.

Other friends and I have been trying to make her feel a little bit better, with no preveil. I wish I could give tips on how to let go, but it all depends on the person and you. I think that friends help. We're all going to go to the funeral to be there for Pay. It's the least we can do.

Payton's dad isn't much better.

He was never there when she needed him. That's what's most hard about this for her...

My dad doesn't even care. He stood there like a good ex-husband. But I knew, it was all fake. He didn't shed a tear, or hold me. No, it was K, Brit and Sarah who took care of me. Thanks a lot pops. I doubt you even liked Mom. I want to say Thank You to Kellie, Sarah, and Brittney you guys are amazing. I know that I'm in a really sucky mood, but you guys understand. You brought me junkfood even though I'm supossed to be on a diet. You know what really sucks? That we didn't really see it coming. I just thought she was sick again. She'd been sick for so long. I guess she didn't want me to know. She didn't want me to worry about her. I should have known though, She was my mom for crying out loud. I should have known, but I didn't....
Mommy, I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't want me like this, and I'll try to get better. I miss you, stay lovely...-Payton-
I didn't know she was going to do that, but it's fine. And I will let my friends monopolize my page whenever they need to. Sometimes, you just need to get things off your chest. 
I love my friends, and I'd do anything for them. I hope that your friendships are the same way. Hopefully nothing else will happen, and my next post will be happy and helpful again.
From my corner to your heart, K.

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