(This guy really creeps me out.) |
Question One: What did you get into trouble for the most when you were young?
Answer: Well, I always picked on the dogs. Oh, and I never had a 'clean' plate at dinner.
Question Two: Would you rather spend a week in jail or serve two years of community service?
Answer: This is going to sound bad, but I've always wondered what jail was like, so I'd be locked away.
Question Three: What five foods do you wish were banished from the earth?
Answer: Umm...I'd have to say Broccoli, Peas, Star Fruit, Hummus! and...Mushrooms.
Question Four: Are you more likely to be guilty of gluttony, lust, rage, jealousy, sloth, greed or pride?
Answer: I'd have to say Pride. That's one of the worst.
Final Question: What Halloween costumes do you remember?
Final Answer: There are sooo many. Hmm, okay. I was about five or six my grandmother made me this cheerleading costume for Hallow's Eve. And oh my gosh, was it a disaster. It was red and white with a little bit of black in it. My hair, which was long at the time, was pulled sloppily into two pigtails, and I was not happy about it. I looked like the cheerleader from Hell.
Thanks for reading, even if you didn't, the next post will probably be much more serious than this was, but hopefully it'll make you think.
From my corner to your heart, K.
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