Tuesday, January 29, 2013

St. Valentine's Day Blues

Grrr, do you know how UN-swanky school is? It's like the teacher feed on the souls of the students they instruct. What's worse is that St. Valentie's Day is coming up, and that just makes me sad that I'm still perpetually single. Totally un-swanky! Here, we, go.

Gah! Sometimes I just hate school! Between hating teachers, to watching people make out in the halls, to having to eat gross food at lunch it all just basically sucks. And now, what's worse is that I have six projects due, all in the same week! I can't wait for summer to get here, or at least spring break.

To add on the that Valentine's Day coming up. Which means pretty much everyone has a boy/girl friend! And what do I have? Books and TV.  Oh, unless you count homework.

My school does two things during Valentine's Day, we send out carnations and then we have "Love Grams." A love gram is exactly what it sounds like. A couple groups of kids go around the school and sing to the people on their list.

At first it's kind of fun, watching other people get sang to, but after a while it just gets annoying. So annoying that you want to take their silly little guitar and slam it over their heads!

Long story short no one ever sends me a love gram. I don't even get a carnation unless I talk one of my friends into getting me one!

I dislike St. Valentine's Day....which I know is a very un-swankified mood to have but you know what? It makes one percent of the world all depressed to not have anyone love them, and that makes me sad. Especially when on the 15th we all have to hear about everyone's romantic evening...

From my corner to your heart, K.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Swankified bookcase fun time!

Lately I've been sick. I only get sick once or twice a year, so when it happens it's kind of a pain in the butt. I'm taking medicine though, so soon I should be back to normal. When I Get sick I pretty much read all day. But, I just finished my books and I'm suffering from book hangover...Here, we, go.

Guys, it's a bookcase AND a chair! Why didn't I think of that?!

For those who don't know, a "Book Hangover" is when you can't read a new book because your mind is still with the previous book. It sucks because I just bought a bunch of new books too!

Okay, honestly I don't know where this was going, because I don't have a cure for Book Hangovers, so I think I'm just going to put a few pictures of some pretty swankified (awesome) bookcases!

Is it a staircase? Is it a bookshelf? I don't know!

Even better than the first one!

That's it folks!
 That was fun, wasn't it? I would love to have that yellow chair. I wonder if it comes in green.....That'd be pretty swanky.

From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Swankified should totally be a word. It can have two forms. Something can be swankified, or other things (like people) can be swanky! Take that swag.)

Friday, January 18, 2013

If you could change it (pt. 3)

Family. It should be the most important thing to anyone, too bad it isn't. I feel like families are so underrated, especially with the 'younger crowd.' I'm simply going to make a list for this one. I tried a few days ago to write this, and I didn't get very far before realizing that I was holding back my true feelings. So, I'm determined to let out every scar that I wish I could heal. Here, we, go.

If I could go back and change things with my family, this is what I'd do....
Apologize for all the things I said to my birth mother.
Take back all the lies.
Stop the yelling between my half-brother and half-sister.
Not sneak out, or try to run away.
Always tell the truth.
Take my Dad's advise.
Not steal.
Not fight with my grandmother.
Not hide.
Not shove all my problems away from everyone.
Not wish I was somewhere else.
Not yell at my step-father.
And most of all, not pretend that everything was fine.
Obviously this is a very personal list, but I think that's what makes it real. And that's what this is, this is all 100% true, and very hard to admit to myself, let alone type it on the internet. If you're picture of me was a perfect angel of a person, I'm sorry that it's now tarnished.
I asked this question to my group of friends and even though none of them answered, I realized that everyone has things they wish they could remove from their life. No one is alone in this, and it's not something to be ashamed of.
A few minutes ago I was tempted to delete this and tell you all that I couldn't finish because of reasons that would be fasle. But I think that people need to realize, I'm not ashamed anymore of what I've done.
Yes, I wish I could take all of this back, but I know that if I had the chance I wouldn't do it. All of these "mistakes" made me who I am now. And without them, I don't know what my life would be like, I don't even want to think about it.
I can't change my past, but I can sure as heck try to help other people's futures. Don't take anything for granted, because you'll never know how much you'll wish you could go back and change everything...
From my corner to your heart, K.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

If you could change it. (pt. 2)

On to part two, the teen years of life. Here, we, go.

For the last few years I have been living the life of an average teenager. Wake up, eat, go to school, do homework, play on computer, eat, shower, more computer, sleep, and repeat. It get rather repeatitive, but it's life and you get used to it.
If I could go back with my time machine I'd change very little. I'm not saying I'm a saint and I have nothing to change, but I don't need to erase any wild parties, or drunken phone calls. I'll save that for when I go to college.
I'd delete a few friends who stabbed me in the back, and a few teachers who I swore were out to get me, but that's it. Maybe I'd try to add a few really good friends, or convince myself to try out for a team, but right now life isn't so bad.
I'm not good at being a teen. I wasn't in a rush to get my lisence, I don't sneak out to go see my boyfriend, I've never even been grounded. Because of that, I don't have anything to change.
I'm sure everyone is different though, some people have this thing called a life, I wonder if you can buy that on ebay...time to go look.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

If you could change it. (pt 1)

I wrote this prompt a while ago, I just sadly haven't had much time at my keyboard recently. The prompt I wrote is, "If you could do it differently, how would you change it?" I'm going to seperate this prompt into a few sections, Childhood, Teen years, and Family. I would write about adulthood, but I haven't traveled that journey yet. So, I'm going to section these topics into three different posts, it just seems easier that way. Here, we, go.

As a kid I played in the sand box, and played with my friends (imaginary and real). I played with barbies and had them act out scenes from movies. I had my Mother put my hair up into beautiful braids, and amazing buns.

I ate all the candy, and always got caught taking from the cookie jar. I hid the messes I made, and cried when I didn't get my way. I begged and whined for that new toy that got boring after five minutes. I watched Blue's Clue's and loved going over to grandmother's house.

Looking back on it, my childhood wasn't that bad, it was better than some peoples. When thinking about it, I still wish I had done other things.

Instead of playing Barbie, I wish I had been learning ballet, or gymnastics. Instead of wanting to have that new toy, I should have wanted to try new things. Instead of wanting my way all the time, I should have been thankful for what I had.

As a kid all I wanted to do was have a carefree good time, but because of that, I can't do anything that I'm interested in now.

If I could get my hands on a time machine, I'd go back and convince myself to take either dance, gymnastics, or self-defense. Or at least, I'd warn myself not to fall off the rocking chair and split my head open....

So, if you could get your hands on a time machine, what would you tell your child-self?
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Part two should be out soon, but classes have been a bit difficult, so don't hold me to that.)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years (-.-) Is it over yet?

I tried to find a picture, but I couldn't. Sorry Google, you just didn't do the job this time. So, without a picture let's jump right in! Here, we, go.

So, as many of you, if not all of you know it is now officially 2013. Yay. You know, I don't mind have a new year. New Year's day is a celebration about making a fresh start, and forgetting all the garbage that you've had to deal with for the past 365.25 days.

I also don't mind parties, in fact I don't care if you have the biggest New Year's party on the block. But do not come out of your house at quarter after twelve in the morning and start ringing bells and blowing air horns!

See, the thing with a party is I expect the noise, and roudiness. When everything is quiet though, and it's past midnight, and you've never made a single party-like noise, don't go outside and cheer at every freaking car that passes by.

Don't do it. Because that makes me angry, and it makes me want to go outside and yell at you for being stupid.

Also, don't let your children lay in the middle of a busy road in the middle of the night, that's just asking for someone to run them over!

Come on people, use this thing called Common Sense! Even animals have it!

From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Sorry about this turning into a rant.)