I wrote this prompt a while ago, I just sadly haven't had much time at my keyboard recently. The prompt I wrote is, "If you could do it differently, how would you change it?" I'm going to seperate this prompt into a few sections, Childhood, Teen years, and Family. I would write about adulthood, but I haven't traveled that journey yet. So, I'm going to section these topics into three different posts, it just seems easier that way. Here, we, go.
As a kid I played in the sand box, and played with my friends (imaginary and real). I played with barbies and had them act out scenes from movies. I had my Mother put my hair up into beautiful braids, and amazing buns.
I ate all the candy, and always got caught taking from the cookie jar. I hid the messes I made, and cried when I didn't get my way. I begged and whined for that new toy that got boring after five minutes. I watched Blue's Clue's and loved going over to grandmother's house.
Looking back on it, my childhood wasn't that bad, it was better than some peoples. When thinking about it, I still wish I had done other things.
Instead of playing Barbie, I wish I had been learning ballet, or gymnastics. Instead of wanting to have that new toy, I should have wanted to try new things. Instead of wanting my way all the time, I should have been thankful for what I had.
As a kid all I wanted to do was have a carefree good time, but because of that, I can't do anything that I'm interested in now.
If I could get my hands on a time machine, I'd go back and convince myself to take either dance, gymnastics, or self-defense. Or at least, I'd warn myself not to fall off the rocking chair and split my head open....
So, if you could get your hands on a time machine, what would you tell your child-self?
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Part two should be out soon, but classes have been a bit difficult, so don't hold me to that.)
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