Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years (-.-) Is it over yet?

I tried to find a picture, but I couldn't. Sorry Google, you just didn't do the job this time. So, without a picture let's jump right in! Here, we, go.

So, as many of you, if not all of you know it is now officially 2013. Yay. You know, I don't mind have a new year. New Year's day is a celebration about making a fresh start, and forgetting all the garbage that you've had to deal with for the past 365.25 days.

I also don't mind parties, in fact I don't care if you have the biggest New Year's party on the block. But do not come out of your house at quarter after twelve in the morning and start ringing bells and blowing air horns!

See, the thing with a party is I expect the noise, and roudiness. When everything is quiet though, and it's past midnight, and you've never made a single party-like noise, don't go outside and cheer at every freaking car that passes by.

Don't do it. Because that makes me angry, and it makes me want to go outside and yell at you for being stupid.

Also, don't let your children lay in the middle of a busy road in the middle of the night, that's just asking for someone to run them over!

Come on people, use this thing called Common Sense! Even animals have it!

From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Sorry about this turning into a rant.)

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