Saturday, January 12, 2013

If you could change it. (pt. 2)

On to part two, the teen years of life. Here, we, go.

For the last few years I have been living the life of an average teenager. Wake up, eat, go to school, do homework, play on computer, eat, shower, more computer, sleep, and repeat. It get rather repeatitive, but it's life and you get used to it.
If I could go back with my time machine I'd change very little. I'm not saying I'm a saint and I have nothing to change, but I don't need to erase any wild parties, or drunken phone calls. I'll save that for when I go to college.
I'd delete a few friends who stabbed me in the back, and a few teachers who I swore were out to get me, but that's it. Maybe I'd try to add a few really good friends, or convince myself to try out for a team, but right now life isn't so bad.
I'm not good at being a teen. I wasn't in a rush to get my lisence, I don't sneak out to go see my boyfriend, I've never even been grounded. Because of that, I don't have anything to change.
I'm sure everyone is different though, some people have this thing called a life, I wonder if you can buy that on ebay...time to go look.

From my corner to your heart, K.

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