Monday, December 24, 2012

2013 awaits, and we're still living.

Hello, this is going to be short. Here, we, go.

I would like to say a thanks to anyone out there. I hope you all have a happy holiday, and stay save. I'm serious, I don't want to be reading the paper and see that someone got into a car crash by a series of very strange cartoonish events.

I won't be typing again until at least New Year's Day. Just remember, a new year means a new leaf to turn. Can't wait to see you in twenty-thirteen, see ya!

From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. nice job proving the Mayans wrong, because last time I checked we're all still here. Can't wait to see what they come up with next!)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Top Ten Favorite Books.

We finally got snow, so, maybe we'll have a white Christmas this year. Speaking of a white Christmas, I've recently been asked about books. Wait, I guess that didn't have anything to do with Christmas...Oh well. Like many people I love books. They are my second passion. Everyone keeps asking me, "Kells, what are some good books to read?" Can I just, we, go.

As I was saying, I'm just going to type it right here for the whole world to see. I veeeeerrrryyyy much dislike that question. I don't know what books you like, so I can't accurately request books that you would like.

But, I've been working on it, and I think I've conducted my list of top ten favorite books. Please, keep in mind though, I haven't read my way through the world yet. Infact, I've only barely started. Oh, and these aren't in any particular order.

K's Top Ten Novels.
  1. The Fault in our Stars by John Green
  2. Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner
  3. Crank by Ellen Hopkins
  4. One for the Money by Janet Evanovich
  5. The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor
  6. The Princess Bride by Willian Goldman
  7. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  8. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
  9. Before I Die by Jenny Downham
  10. Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler
So,  I didn't put down Harry Potter or the Hunger Games, because I feel like they don't need to be put on there, yes, they are on the top on my list, but nearly everyone has heard of them. So, they would simply take up two spaces where lesser known books could go. Anywho, that's it.
If you feel like there should be other books on the list I would love it if you told me. I'm always looking for new material to read.
From my corner to your heart, K.

Monday, December 17, 2012


I'm sorry, I've been finding it hard to write recently. Wondering how much good in the world it would take to counter act the bad. I live in America, and if you don't then maybe you don't know. But, a school in Connecticut lost 20 kindergardners to a shooter. This isn't about that though. But, this reminded me about how much the world sucks. Here, we, go.

Today is December 17, which means it's Project for Awesome day. If you don't know what P4A is then I feel as if you should be educated :)
For each comment on a Project for Awesome video Hank and John Green aka the Vlogbrothers will donate a penny, up to a million dollars.

I don't normally ask for things, but if anyone is out there I would love for you to either follow that link, or youtube project for awesome.

Our goal this year is to reach $200,000. This will go to various charities, and hopefully decrease world suck, and promote world awesomeness.

Thank you.

From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. DFTBA for life.)

Monday, December 10, 2012

De-Stressing for Finals

So, finals for most people are either here, or just around the corner. I know that mine are in a week and people are already freaking out. So, because of that I made a list of ways to keep the stress level down during your study times, or library time, study hall hour thing. You know what I mean. So, since you probably have tests to study for here, we, go.

(Wow, this is a big picture...)

Tips for decreasing stress over tests.
  1. Figure out which subject(s) you're worst at, and work on those first. (For me that would be history.)
  2. Dedicate at least one hour a day to mind relaxing activities. (Such as reading, TV, video fames, music, dancing, cooking, or my favorite coloring!)
  3. Exercise. (Like, on a tredmill, eliptical, or if you have a flight of stairs go up and down them. I prefer a tredmill because then I can still study from books or notes.)
  4. Focus on one subject at a time. (If you focus on two the information can get switched up in your mind, and it's less to take in all at once.)
  5. Light candles. (This releases a scent into the air which can help calm your mind. If you don't like the flame from candles then put a scented lotion on your hands and gently rub your face.)
  6. Create a system. (I prefer using note cards, but I know other people who record their notes then listen to them instead of music.)
  7. Don't stay locked up in your room or wherever it is you study. (I find this works for me, since I memorize things by visualization. So if I learned the Gravitational constant in my living room then I just have to imagine being on my couch and I'll remember it. So, I switch rooms when I switch subjects.)
  8. Quiz friends. (I find that this takes my mind off of my own tests for at least a little while.)
  9. Drink and eat normally. (I know too many people that either eat more or eat less while cramming, then that's all they can think about come test time. So, try to keep your diet the same as it would be anyother day.)
  10. Make studying into a game. (My friend Erin actually makes cards for a memory game and writes down definitions, this may not work for everyone. I find that it works best for foreign language exams.)
  11. Finally, plan ahead. (If you know that your not good at a certian subject, like history, then memorize your stuff starting at the beginning of the year. This sounds like a lot of work, but it pays off in the end I promise.)
So, those are my eleven ways to keep my stress levels down during finals week. Not all of them will work for everybody because everyone is different. I hope this helped, at least a little. I wish you good luck on your exams, and the best wishes.
From my corner to your heart, K.

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Do's and Don't's of Falling Asleep.

So, last night I laid in bed for about half an hour just staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep, so I took out my books and started reading. Then, before I knew it, it was three in the morning...and I hadn't had a wink of sleep. So, I figured that I needed to make a list of do's and don't's of falling asleep. Without further to do, here, we, go.

I'll start out with some Do's to falling asleep:
  1. Do lay on a bed, floor are not a good sleeping spot, and neither are desks or books.
  2. Do wear something comfortable, preferably pajamas, but if you feel the need sleeping in nothing is an option I suposse.
  3. Do have relaxing music playing quietly, or not at all.
  4. Do close your eyes, we are not fish to sleep we must have out eyes closed
  5. Do close your door, you don't want anyone wondering in on you and coloring your face with sharpie.
Okay, enough of that, onto the Don't's and there are many:
  1. Don't read first of all.
  2. Don't stay up all night writing a paper that's do the next day.
  3. Don't go dancing when trying to fall asleep.
  4. Don't eat sugar before trying to fall asleep.
  5. Don't try sleeping on a roof, they are uncomfortable.
  6. Don't start making a sandwich when wanting results.
  7. Don't keep a ferret in your bed.
  8. Don't pretend to be a fish.
  9. Don't inhale toxic fumes, you may fall asleep, but you will never wake up.
  10. Don't try falling asleep while on a tightrope over the grand canyon.
I'm sure there are more, but that's what my sleep deprived mind is giving me at the moment. Best wishes, now I have to get to class, and try to stay awake.

From my corner to your heart, K.