Monday, October 29, 2012

The best way to clean.

It's a tedious and boring chore, that many people despise. Sadly though, it has to be done. You always have to clean the house. Here, we, go.

(I love cartoons)

So, obviously, today is cleaning day, and of course with me being a teenager who takes advanced classes, and is in band, and has somewhat of a life, my bedroom is a mess. But it won't be for long because I know some great ways to clean and make it really simple. Wow, that sounded really lame. But here is my sure-fire way to make cleaning fun......Pay your little sibling to do it. If you don't have a sibling I bet one of your neighbors has a kid.
Of course I'm only joking around....kind of. Just get a friend over and turn up the tunes.
From my corner to your heart, K.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Since you don't know, I play the flute in band. Being a "band-ie" involves plenty of things, such as...knowing the music, knowing your drills, knowing the basic rules of football, know the basic rules of basketball, knowing when and when not to cheer, and of course actually being at all home football games. By the way, here, we, go.

Yes, this is Ohio State (TBDBINL). No, I don't go there.

So, today is Saturday, and what am I doing on the weekend day? Football. I wouldn't be complaining, but we're in the play-offs so we didn't get a heads-up about this game until a few days ago. You know what? I had plans! I was going to go places, but now I can't because I have to be freezing my bum off playing pep tunes.

I don't mind being at football games as much as I used to, and I'm glad that we're in the play-offs, it's just, I don't want to go. I'd rather just watch it on TV.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

I apologize? sort of...

Yes, I do. Here, we, go.

Not like this though, it just didn't want to turn on.

So, my computer has been broken for a few days, hince the no posts for a little while. So, what's happened in K's life, whelp, pretty much nothing. I went to my classes, did my school work, watched a bunch of The Big Bang Theory (Great show, I love it.) and went to bed. Yeah, my life is so interesting I know. That's why I don't have my own TV show.....sadness.

This post is going no where, and I probably won't publish it because of that. Man, am I tired of these political campaining commercials. It's like, guise! if you don't have their vote by now, you're never going to get it.

Personally, I'm in the 'vote for who ever you want as long as you vote' party. well, anyway. I might as well sign off.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Best sport ever. (in my opinion)

A passion of mine is paintball. I love it, when your hearts racing and you're dodging shots like you were in the matrix. And there's nothing better than when you get that perfect shot that wouldn't have been there half a second later. But when you get shot, or you lose a round. That's when you gotta put on your big kid pants, tighten your mask and be all "here, we, go."

Now, I've only been playing for a few months,but this is my favorite sport. I mean,where else can you 'shoot' your big brother and not get in trouble? Of course, I hate getting hit and having to 'die' but so does everyone else. Recently my brother and I went to his friend's course (Pallet City Paintball if you wanted to check it out.) Not to have a big head, but I rocked that course! I almost beat the owner, but he gotme in the neck first.

The only this I dislike more than losing or being the first 'dead' is the day after. When all the bruises start showing up, and it hurts to move. Worse feeling almost ever. But, it's totally worth it as long as you make the other players feel the pain too by lighting 'em up with paint.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Scarlet Letter is a good book people!

In English class we're reading the Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Frankly, I don't see why people don't like this book. But, here, we, go.

So, for those of you who don't know, the Scarlet Letter is a book (obviously) that features around this woman,  Hester Prynne. Hester is forced by the town to wear a red A as a punishment for sleeping and having a child with someone other than her husband. I can't tell you the end, but the story is about Hester's husband getting revenge on Hester's partner.

As I wrote in the introduction a lot of people dislike this book. Probably because it used a lot of big words, and is written in older english than we speak now. I don't find this a problem, and I think that if you could get past those two things then you would love this book.

It relates so much to every teen, because we all (maybe) know that one boy or girl who cheats on his or her girl or boyfriend. Which I think is just rude!

But seriously, you should totally read this. And if the language is hard for you, there's always Sparknotes! (If you don't know what that is, then google it.)

From my corner to your heart, K.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


No intro this time, here, we, go.

"This won't hurt at all."

DENTISTS ARE EVIL!!! They hurt you, and make you pay lots.

So, I went in for a cleaning today after classes. The appointment that should have taken fifteen minutes took half an hour. If that weren't enough they told me that I now have three cavities that they already knew about but didn't treat. Now if I want them filled it'll cost nearly $300!! Wonderful, just what I needed right now when I'm trying to save up for college. Thank you dental offices of America. Not.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wow Madame P....

So, I am currently in my second year of french class, and I realized professor cusses, a lot. With no more intro needing to be written, here, we, go.

Madame P. is one of the coolest teachers I've had (excluding Ander-man and Levie, more on them another time.) you could show up five minutes late to class and she wouldn't even give you a tardy. Since my class is only in their second year there is quite a bit we don't know. Because of this Madame P. has a dictionary underneath all of our desks and we can use it whenever. (but obviously not on tests.) One day I hear her say a word I didn't know so I look it up. The word was "zut" and that means "damn" which isn't that bad of a cuss word but it's still something teachers aren't supossed to say.

So, I listen to her for a while with my dictionary in hand and sure enough through out a month or so when she thought no one was listening she said the words that correspond with the following letters: b, f, and s.

Now don't read this wrong, she doesn't them all the time, but when she hands out the wrong papers, the computers don't work, or she accidently hurts herself they slip out.

I simply found this interesting, and a little humerous, because only forgein language teachers could get away with this. Sometimes I love school.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I love reading. Like, seriously, if reading were an olympic sport I'd probably get silver. (I don't like gold, it clashes with the USA's colours.) I read all sorts of books too, pretty much everything except time travel. I have a few problems with time travel, mostly because my mind creates paradoxes and that makes my head hurt. Here, we, go...

Like the paradox that says that you go back in time and murdered your grandmother. Yeah, think about that one for just a moment. If you went back and killed your grandma then you wouldn't exist, and is you didn't exist then your grandma wouldn't be dead!

Sigh, you know, you don't really want to read about me going on and on about this. So I'm just going to end this here.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Tally marks are dumb.

So, you know what I exteremly dislike? (because I don't like using the word hate.) When teachers do tally marks. With that being said, here, we, go.

If you don't know what tally marks are, then you are a lucky kid of a banshee. (I also don't cuss.) So, for you super lucky people I will explain to you what tallies are.

The teacher goes up to the board and writes: A, B, C, D, F (the grade scale) then he or she goes through the tests/quizzes and puts a tally mark next to whatever grade that paper was. Like this...
(Wow, it sucks to bethis class. They got a bunch of D's)
Now some people don't mind this (because it's anynomous) but it personally drives me crazy. Not only is it demeaning, but it's a total wasy of time. Erg! (and yes, this does have something to do with yesturday's test.)

From my corner to your heart, K.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


So, first day of the school week and my teacher gives the class this 200 point test. (Did you shudder in horror, because I did.) You know, there should be rules or guidelines of something about things like that. And so, since this is my corner and not yours, here, we, go:

Kell's 3 main rules to test giving.

  1. In a normal school week, Monday through Friday, no tests shall be given on the first of last day.
  2. If you want to have a quiz on Monday or Friday that is permittable, as long as said quiz is never more than 50 points
  3. Also, projects should NEVER be due on a Monday.(this includes speeches or large papers, and is still applicable in AP or Honours courses.)

Those are just some of my thoughts on tests and quizzes, oh, and don't even get me started on those stupid study guides!

From my corner to your heart, K.
(ps. if you haven't noticed, I like making lists.)

Monday, October 8, 2012


So, I love super heros. My favorite is Spiderman, but I also like The Hulk, Black Widow, Batman, The Flash; not so much Aquaman, but oh well. There is one hero though that drives me nuts! His alias is Clark Kent, but the new papers know him as Superman.

Some of you are saying, "But Kells he's Superman, how could you NOT like him." You wanna know why I don't like this alien? Well here are three reasons. So here, we, go:

  1. His seceret identity sucks. All he did was add a curly cue and take off his glasses.
  2. He's invincible. X-Ray vision, super strength, super speed, ability to fly...he doesn't need all that if he was really that super
  3. No character flaws. Seriously, the only flaws he has are that he can't see through lead, and that he is powerless around kryptonite. There isn't some deep dark past that prohibits him from something.
Three reasons, and they're all true. This is why I think Superman, or Stupidman (If you're the joker) is lame.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


We've all heard about it from the movies, or school, it's homecoming. Right now I'm getting ready for it, but I figured I would put up a few thoughts I had on this subject. Now, personally I love homecoming. It's a time to just relax and have fun with your classmates. Sometimes though, things can go....wrong. So, here is my list of things that will hopefully make your homecoming feel like it should. In no particular order, here, we, go.

  • Dresses should be comfortable, and cover the lady who is wearing it.
  • A great homecoming dress doesn't have to cost a hundred dollars.

  • Dates whether male or female your date should be someone you like and are comfortable with.
  • Ladies, don't order your escort around, or push him off to the side.
  • Gentlemen, don't expect every dance to be given to you, girls have friends too.
  • Please, if you are going to break-up, do it after the dance is over, that way you don't ruin everyone else's night.

  • Groups are generally the best way to go. It relieves pressure from a date, and being with friends is always fun.
  • If a group says they're going STAG then please, respect that and don't bring a date. Seriously.

  • Punch seems to always end up being spiked with alcohol. I personally find this unappealing. If you do then drink from the water fountain. It's safe, and still free.

  • Dancing can be fun, but it can also be awful. It's more fun to dance with a group of friends than spend the entire night with one person.
  • Don't feel pressured into not dancing. Go ahead, have a good time. Once you start, other will be sure to follow

That's it, I hope you're homecomings are filled with awesomeness and laughter.

From my corner to your heart, K.