Friday, November 30, 2012

Trees, Trees, and Trees (Christmas)

Okay, no more life reflectons for a while, Kay? With getting back in the season I am so super excited. Tomorrow my mother, dad and I will go out looking for a tree to put up in our living room. It's always been my job, ever since I was little, to find the biggest and best tree in the lot. Then, we'll drag it home, and attempt to decorate it. Sigh, here, we, go.

(This is a tree, put together upside down, wow! Wish I'd thought of that.)
In my how we have three trees, two fake and one real. Right now we have one of the fake ones decorated, and the other we just got put together. The decorated one is what I call the "Golden Red Rover" or "GRR" because its all gold, red, and green. We set up "GRR" on our landing above the stairs.

The second fake tree I call "Wintergreen." It's a lot less creative, but the alternative is to call it the penguin tree, and that just sounds silly. It's decked out in blue, white, and loads of penguins. We set it up down stairs in the corner of the room, just far away enough from the fireplace so that it doesn't catch fire. The other thing that's down stairs is my mom's village. Currently it's four layers, and the only thing she's missing is a Christmas tree lot.

With works as a great transition to talk about the third tree. I don't give it a name, but it's my favorite. It doesn't have a theme, but it's where we put all of the ornaments that have dates on them. It's also where we put the ornaments that are homemade, and special. I love the smell of the tree whenever I enter the house. And since the family comes to our house for Christmas there are presents underneath all three of the trees.

I love Christmas and the festivness (Is that a word?) that it brings. I love decorating, and being with my family, no matter how dysfuntional we are. And getting presents isn't too bad either, haha.

From my corner to your heart, K.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sarah's Story, and Fear

So, The other day my friend whom I hadn't talked to in years texts me this: "Hy Kell, Im knd of n a rut & jst wntd some1 to talk 2...thngs arnt goin gr8 right now..." So, after I got over the fact that my friend's english sucks, I called and asked her what was wrong. That's what I'm going to write about today. Not her life, because I didn't get her permission to post all of it, but I can share some, and I want to reach out to who ever is out there and needs someone to talk or relate to.  Here, we, go.

(If You haven't seen Charlie, or heard about him you should go check him out.)
My friend's name is Sarah, she had seen Charlie's video about being scared. I felt a little honored, because I was the one she went to first, she had never told anyone this before. She explained to me about her family issues, and how her jerk of a boyfriend had broken up with her. She talked about when she was little and the kids made fun of her for being overweight, then for dieting, and for being too thin. She said that she's never forgotten those terrible memories.
I wasn't in Sarah's class, when we were kids I didn't even know her, but I felt her pain as if I was the one in her position.
That got me thinking about my own life. She said that she was so scared, of everything. Of college, not fitting in, disappointing her parents. It sounded like normal things, then she said the words, "Some times I just don't know if life is worth living if you're scared all the time."
When she said that, my heart dropped. I told her I would find something for her to live for.
I didn't realize how hard that would be. I couldn't tell if I was talking about Sarah or myself. Then I realized, I was talking about everybody.
Everyone needs something to live for. It took me a little while, but I figured out what needed you as much as you needed it. So I called Sarah back.
I told her that she shouldn't live for anyone except herself. That she should relax and rememer why as a kid she did anything. It was because she like it. Because it brought her joy.
Shouldn't that be what life is about? Making yourself happy? Sarah and I agreed that we would work on it, living for ourselves. It's going to be hard, but I think with some encouragement we can do it.
I'd love it if everyone did this. It's okay to be scared, but you can't let it rule your life. Being frightened that's what makes us human, so go ahead, be afraid for a little while. Cry if you feel the need, scream, punch a pillow, do whatever you need to do. But once you've done that, stop, and don't let that feeling back in for a day or a week, maybe even a month.
After that time is up, be scared for another few minutes, then change from having a month without fear, to two months. Eventually you'll get to a year, and it won't matter if you're scared or not, because you'll know how to deal with it.
This is what I told Sarah, and this is what I'm telling you. If you're going through a hard time that's fine, it happens to the best of us. But it's how you handle it that makes you stronger.
So be strong.

From my corner to your heart, K.
(I'm sorry this was so long, but it means a lot to me. Thank you for reading it to the end.)

Monday, November 26, 2012

Oreos (the cookie, not people)

Here, we, go.

I love Oreos. If I could do what that kid is doing, I would. One thing that I think the company of Oreo should do is sell jars of their cream filling! I would buy it! Because let's face it, if you don't have milk you take the top off and lick the cream. Then you have two pieces of chocolate cookie, and you go buy some milk. Am I right? Or is that just me?

One thing that I don't like though, is when you drop an Oreo in your glass of milk. Because, then it gets saturated in the milk, and sticks to the bottom. Then, when you drink the milk it has chocolate cookie chunks in it. That part is fine, but then you have to somehow manage to get the remaning pieces out. And that my friends, is difficult.

My favorite thing to do, is crunch up the cookies, and make them into an Oreo Cream Pie. Delicious!

From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. I found the pencils.)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Organization, or the lack of.

I have terrible organization skills, in terms of other people. See, I know exactly where everything is, but telling someone to get something for me is like using Jack Sparrows compass to tell which way North is, it doesn't work. Sometimes I feel like I'm in one of those high-jacking movies, like heist or Oceans Eleven, and if I give the person the wrong directions they'll pull the alarm or trip a mine or something. Wow, that's a long intro, any who, here, we, go.

(My future office when I get a real job.)
So, to help with this problem I use sticky notes, so naturally I got kind of carried away and now they are all over my room. My walls are covered in  blue, pink, green, white, and yellow. The thing is, most people would have it color coded, like have all the blue notes be things that need to be done right that instant. With me? Coding doesn't exist, it's all just not organized.

But, I still get stuff done, so I guess it works. My future roommate might not be so thrilled about it though.

Nothing in my room is really organized (still acording to other people's definition of organized.) That's one of the reasons I dislike cleaning my room, because I can never find anything afterwards, and it drives me bonkers. That's my excuse for not cleaning my room enough. My parents don't buy it though, haha.

Oh well, it makes me feel a little better. Well, I still have sticky-notes to put up, so, until next time..

From my corner to your heart, K.
(If only I could find my lost pencils...)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful times for food


 Good Thursday morning to anyone who doesn't live in the USofA, but to those of you who dooooo....HAPPY TURKEY-DAY! Here, we, go!!!


Today is a day where the family gathers around the table, forgets their differences, and is at peace with one another, ha, yeah right.
That may be what happens in movies, but everyone know that Thanksgiving is ALL about the food, most importantly, the turkey, and mashed potatoes. Or, if you live with my family, my grandpa's noodles!
So, My parents and I are going over to my Aunt's house in a bit to eat dried over-cooked turkey, lumpy mashed potatoes, uncooked mac-n-cheese, sweet potatoes (my mom makes those so I can't accurately say if they're good or not) greenbeen cassorole (same with that one) J-Ello squares (you can't screw up J-Ello) and my grandpa's amazing, to die for, noodles.
We're also having dessert, but those change every year.
What's best, is that Christmas is soooo close to Thanksgiving this year! (Or what ever other winter holiday you celebrate.) And Christmas means homemade Christmas carmels from my grandmother. Yum!
Ok, that's all I got for today, I hope you have the greatest of days no matter where you are!!
From my corner to your heart, K.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's cold.

So, I love doing yard work, it's something that my mom and I do together, and it gets me out of the house. The problem is when it gets cold. here, we, go.

(Thankfully, this isn't my yard.)
Now, my garden isn't that large, but when it's five below zero (F) and you still have weeds to pick up, it might as well be. My mother though seems to thing that freezing weather is the best time for picking up branches, and trimming trees. I love the woman, but come on!

When I'm out with my dogs caring for my flowers I shouldn't be shivering like there's an earthquake going on. But, those just my thoughts I guess.

From my corner to your heart, K.
P.S. Maaaan, that is a nice garden! It makes me jealous. (-.-)

Monday, November 12, 2012


So, I have a problem. I'm addicted, but it's not to like, cigaretes, or drugs, or any of that usual stuff. (Wow, that sounded really bad and judgemental, I'm sorry.) No, I'm addicted to TV, we, go.

This is my most recent series, I started it on November eleventh, that's one day ago, and I'm already on season two. The worst part is, I know it's a problem, but I like it. My last series was Vampire diaries, I got up to season three, because that's all Netflix has right now, but then I caught myself trying to watch season four online. I've blown off homework, I've stopped hanging out with friends, just so I can watch one more episode. I've even stopped writing in my blog.

The sad thing is, I like watching them, and after I post this, I'm going to plant my but on my couch and watch some more until my parents come home...maybe I do need help.......or I could just watch PLL and find out who 'A' is. Yup, I'll do the latter first. See Ya!!

From my corner to your heart, K.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hallows eve aftermath

After a night of either trick-or-treating, handing out candy, holding a haunted house, or going to a halloween party many people seem to be down. This is what I call the Holloween-hangover, and no, I don't mean alchohol. That stuff is gross (unless you're over the age of 21). here, we, go.

So, Halloween is over, but what's better than that night is the following day, when all the candies are on sale! I just went to walmart and got three bags of Mike&Ike's. Do I have a problem? Yes. Do I want help? Umm, I'm gonna go with no.

Just please remember, eat your dinner inbetween snacking on candies, and always brush you teeth? That's my Public service announcement for the year. You know what's also good about halloween? Now it's November, which is Turkey month!! (aka Thanksgiving.) Yaaaaay!

From my corner to your heart, K.
ps. Yes, I like food, you got a problem with it?