Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Ending a Relationship... :'(

So, my friend Sammie is having some difficulty with a friendship. She used to be friends with this girl, Emma, but now everything that Emma does just gets on Sammie's nerves. So, because of Sammie, I'm going to talk about relationships mainly friends, but this could also work for significant others too. Here, we, go.

First I need to say something, I don't believe in crushing friendships forever. Because once a relationship is broken, it can never truely be crack free, no matter how much glue you use. But I do believe in distance.

Distance is a powerful thing, it truely is. I once roomed with two of my now dearest friends (Anna and Celsy) at a camp, with the camp started I wasn't too sure about them. Yeah, I liked them, but we weren't exactly friends. After living side by side with them though, now they're some of my closest confidantes.

The same thing can be said true with being apart from someone. I had this bestfriend, we were practically twins. I only see her every other weekend now, and we are slowly drifting apart. It hurts sometimes, but I know that she'll still always be my 'sister'.

Change is good sometimes, you just have to get past the rough parts before you can easily coast through.

Now, on to Sammie's problem with Emma!

So, Miss Samantha my tips to you are this...distance yourself from Emma. Don't give her the cold shoulder, but if she starts to bug you (and I hate typing this, but...) you should POLITELY excuse yourself.

If even in those brief meetings you can't stand the sight of her, or the sound of her voice, then I think it's time to end it. This is the worst case senario, if you can avoid it, then please, don't break it off with her. Becasue like I said, relationships never completely heal.

If you do have to end it though, don't be mean about. Because that could lead to hate, and hate is an ugly emotion. Don't plan out what you'd say, because then you'll start sounding like a hallmark movie. Just, speak through the heart, and hope that it all goes well. (I guess I'm the one sounding like a hallmark movie)

I'm sorry that I don't have any examples to give, but I've only had to break off a friendship once, and that was because she betrayed me. And, I'm not pround of how I acted. I treated my former-friend like garbage, pretending not to see or hear her, ignoring her calls, making sure not to cross paths in the hallway. Don't do what I did.

If possible, let your relationships take care of themselves, most will slowly dissolve (like 'sissy' and I) Others you won't expect to happen (Like with Anna and Celsey.)

My final advise is this, don't worry about. Let life run its course, if people fade then people fade. If you share your whole life story with your two roommates at camps, then you share your whole life story with your two newest friends. You just have to roll with the punches, and hope for the best.

Sorry if this doesn't help, but I hope it does. Like I said, this could also be true for a boy/girlfriend relationship, even a parent/child relationship.

From my corner to your heart, K.

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