Can I just say how so sorry I am. I know, I say that a lot, but still, I mean it. I've been so busy lately. I haven't even had time to come up with a topic for this post. But, while I spend a moment collecting my thoughts here's a picture! Here, we, go!
Can I just say, how true is this? Right now, while I type I'm doing math homework, and listening, LISTENING to the audio book of "The Picture of Dorian Gray." That's right, I don't even have enough time to actually read the book.
On top of all this, I've been working from four to ten about every night. Except for Fridays, when I have football games to play at (in the band). Last Saturday was homecoming, and I realized that I didn't even want to go, I just wanted to stay home and sleep.
This is my Senior Year, it should be easy, right? I shouldn't have to worry about anything, except for what pranks to pull, right??
Apparently not. I meant to clean my room over this weekend, but it looks like that's not going to happened. Erg! Next week, I'm taking the constitution test, at least that'll be somewhat easy.
OH! before I forget! Big shout out to everyone who is or has suffered from breast cancer. Every day this month I think how lucky I am, and my heart goes out to the families whose loved ones have passed away.
I am inviting all of you, anyone who happens to be reading this, please on Fridays of October wear pink, even boys. (We all know that real men wear pink) One other thing, just enjoy life.
Life is one of the greatest things that we have, and you shouldn't waste it. (This does not endorse YOLO. If you promote YOLO then I send my heart out to you, and your silly and possibly stupid decisions.)
From my corner to your heart, K.
(I will try my hardest to start posting every week again, at least.)
Friday, October 4, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The Broken Picture
I'm not in the best of moods right now, and since this is my page I'm going to explain to you why. here, we, go.
Okay, so I have these two friends (for all intense and purposes we'll call them B and M.) I asked them if I could share their story but they're only letting me release part of it, so it's a little incomplete.
Here's a little background first. First, last year we all went with our church the is camp type thing, called CIY Move (Really fun, if you have a chance go.) There was me, B, M, and our friend Jess. Second, B and M are sisters. Third, B and M's parents are split up and they live with their mother.
At the beginning of this year we all promised that we would all go again, we had our rooming assignments all figured out and it would be all awesome. We were all so excited. I was going to room with B and M, and Jess was going to be in the single next to us.
Well then Jess comes up, around Christmas break, and tells us that this other thing (Babyfold) was the same week as CIY, and she had already signed up for Babyfold. We responded with wishes that she have a good time with the kids, and to take plenty of pictures.
That was the first crack in the picture we had imagined.
A couple of months pass, and B is fighting with her mother over some stuff. B has finally had enough and announces that she wants to move and live with her father. This sets her mother off on a terror. B does and currently is living with her father in a different city. She didn't take M with her.
Another crack.
The mother decides that since B isn't living with her anymore that the mother doesn't have to pay for CIY anymore. Keep in mind that the deposit had already been turned in and processed.
B told me that she was out, and she felt really bad, but she couldn't pay for it. (There was some other stuff too, not just the money issue, but they don't want me talking about that part.) I was upset, but I understood that there wasn't much she could do about it.
More cracks.
School ended way too soon. I tried getting into contact with M, to talk about CIY and how we could still both have fun, even if B and Jess weren't going to be there. I sent her texts, Facebook messages, and even e-mails, but I never got a response.
We ship out to CIY on Monday, the 22. M finally got back to me yesterday, the 17th. She said that she wasn't going. She didn't explain why, she didn't even say sorry.
Bam, the picture broke!
So now I'm out a roommate, because everyone has been planning for this thing since at the very least May. I'll be sitting on the bus without any of my best friends, I'll be eating my meals with my guy friend, and that's only if he's still going too!
Yes, I know what you're thinking, but Kells, now you can just make new friends. You know what? That's true, but still! We had started planning this and we all promised that we'd go, and now I'm the only one keeping that promise!
Half of me doesn't even want to go anymore, but I already paid, so I have to. I just hope this isn't all a bust.
This wasn't helpful, again, but this is kind of a big deal for me. Haven't you ever had people break a promise? It hurts. And It makes you think, 'Why even bother trying to make a picture, when it so easily can crack?'
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Sorry if this was so long.)
(P.P.S. I won't be on next week because of CIY.)
Okay, so I have these two friends (for all intense and purposes we'll call them B and M.) I asked them if I could share their story but they're only letting me release part of it, so it's a little incomplete.
Here's a little background first. First, last year we all went with our church the is camp type thing, called CIY Move (Really fun, if you have a chance go.) There was me, B, M, and our friend Jess. Second, B and M are sisters. Third, B and M's parents are split up and they live with their mother.
At the beginning of this year we all promised that we would all go again, we had our rooming assignments all figured out and it would be all awesome. We were all so excited. I was going to room with B and M, and Jess was going to be in the single next to us.
Well then Jess comes up, around Christmas break, and tells us that this other thing (Babyfold) was the same week as CIY, and she had already signed up for Babyfold. We responded with wishes that she have a good time with the kids, and to take plenty of pictures.
That was the first crack in the picture we had imagined.
A couple of months pass, and B is fighting with her mother over some stuff. B has finally had enough and announces that she wants to move and live with her father. This sets her mother off on a terror. B does and currently is living with her father in a different city. She didn't take M with her.
Another crack.
The mother decides that since B isn't living with her anymore that the mother doesn't have to pay for CIY anymore. Keep in mind that the deposit had already been turned in and processed.
B told me that she was out, and she felt really bad, but she couldn't pay for it. (There was some other stuff too, not just the money issue, but they don't want me talking about that part.) I was upset, but I understood that there wasn't much she could do about it.
More cracks.
School ended way too soon. I tried getting into contact with M, to talk about CIY and how we could still both have fun, even if B and Jess weren't going to be there. I sent her texts, Facebook messages, and even e-mails, but I never got a response.
We ship out to CIY on Monday, the 22. M finally got back to me yesterday, the 17th. She said that she wasn't going. She didn't explain why, she didn't even say sorry.
Bam, the picture broke!
So now I'm out a roommate, because everyone has been planning for this thing since at the very least May. I'll be sitting on the bus without any of my best friends, I'll be eating my meals with my guy friend, and that's only if he's still going too!
Yes, I know what you're thinking, but Kells, now you can just make new friends. You know what? That's true, but still! We had started planning this and we all promised that we'd go, and now I'm the only one keeping that promise!
Half of me doesn't even want to go anymore, but I already paid, so I have to. I just hope this isn't all a bust.
This wasn't helpful, again, but this is kind of a big deal for me. Haven't you ever had people break a promise? It hurts. And It makes you think, 'Why even bother trying to make a picture, when it so easily can crack?'
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Sorry if this was so long.)
(P.P.S. I won't be on next week because of CIY.)
Monday, July 15, 2013
Job Limbo List
So for the past few months (ever since school ended) I've been job searching. I just want to say that all those businesses that aren't going to hire me because I'm not 'old enough' ya'll are missing out!, we, go.
That's right guys, Kellie is trying to get her life back together by getting a job. Man, do I want a job. My summer has been pretty dull, and I have stuff that I want (like a new laptop or a new flute) and to get that I need this thing called money.
What's worse is that my father is practically breathing down my neck, because if I don't get a "real" job then I have to work for him. That goes against one of my rules. The Platinum rule: Never work with family. It's really frustrating too, because I can't just apply at a McDonalds or something because the hours HAVE to be flexible around marching band and concert band.
Sometimes I hate band.
But, to be helpful I'm making a list of things to keep in mind while waiting for places to wake up and hire you.
From my corner to your heart, K.
That's right guys, Kellie is trying to get her life back together by getting a job. Man, do I want a job. My summer has been pretty dull, and I have stuff that I want (like a new laptop or a new flute) and to get that I need this thing called money.
What's worse is that my father is practically breathing down my neck, because if I don't get a "real" job then I have to work for him. That goes against one of my rules. The Platinum rule: Never work with family. It's really frustrating too, because I can't just apply at a McDonalds or something because the hours HAVE to be flexible around marching band and concert band.
Sometimes I hate band.
But, to be helpful I'm making a list of things to keep in mind while waiting for places to wake up and hire you.
Limbo List!
- Why you're doing this. I want that new flute. I need that new laptop.
- Who you're going to meet. Maybe your to be co-worker will become famous and remember you then mention you to a really hot friend.
- Is life a movie? No, but if it was you'd meet your new boy/girlfriend at work.
- Your friends can meet you! That is...if you have friends, then they can pop in and see you at work!
- Less time with the 'rents. I love my parents, but they can be sometimes overbearing.
- More birthday celebrations! Who doesn't love a happy birthday once a year.
- Making someone else's day. All it takes is a smile.
That's all I got. Just repeat the motto: "I is kind, I is smart, I is important!" but don't put that on your resume....then you really won't get hired.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
How I delt. (Bad Rolemodel, Kellie)
Gosh, I feel like I should be posting better stuff has to be...fine before I wimp out, here, we, go.
Obviously, this picture kind of explains my feelings right now. Life sort of sucks for right now. Let me expand...
SO, I told you about that guy, his name was Stone. We were together for about a few months, which now saying it makes this sound pathetic. (If you don't know anything about this, click here.)
One night, during one of my family's Sunday night dinners, he texts me. "Hey, Im breaking up w/u." I responded "Why?" and waited for an answer. A few hours passed so I texted him, "Why?" again. At midnight I get a text back, "It just didn't feel right."
All I could do was lay there. That was the cheesiest line I had ever heard. This coming from a guy who woke me up with a morning text with some sort of endearment. He would hold my hand in the hall (with entertwined fingers) and walk me to class. He'd kiss me before he left for wrestling practice, or he'd walk me to my car.
I felt so stupid. I thought someone had actually cared for me. It's different, when it's a guy.
I've realized, I've never been dumped before. Let me tell you something guys, getting dumped SUCKS, like hardcore, slam you in the face suck-age.
I hated feeling that way, I felt like I wasn't good enough, like every single compliment he said had been a lie. But you have to move on with your life, right? Yes. So, this is how I got over him, and I suggest you do not follow my lead because I'm not proud of what I did.
Obviously, this picture kind of explains my feelings right now. Life sort of sucks for right now. Let me expand...
SO, I told you about that guy, his name was Stone. We were together for about a few months, which now saying it makes this sound pathetic. (If you don't know anything about this, click here.)
One night, during one of my family's Sunday night dinners, he texts me. "Hey, Im breaking up w/u." I responded "Why?" and waited for an answer. A few hours passed so I texted him, "Why?" again. At midnight I get a text back, "It just didn't feel right."
All I could do was lay there. That was the cheesiest line I had ever heard. This coming from a guy who woke me up with a morning text with some sort of endearment. He would hold my hand in the hall (with entertwined fingers) and walk me to class. He'd kiss me before he left for wrestling practice, or he'd walk me to my car.
I felt so stupid. I thought someone had actually cared for me. It's different, when it's a guy.
I've realized, I've never been dumped before. Let me tell you something guys, getting dumped SUCKS, like hardcore, slam you in the face suck-age.
I hated feeling that way, I felt like I wasn't good enough, like every single compliment he said had been a lie. But you have to move on with your life, right? Yes. So, this is how I got over him, and I suggest you do not follow my lead because I'm not proud of what I did.
The K(ellie) in BreaK-up. (These are in no certain order.)
- Change the contact. His used to be "Stonie <3" but don't change it to "heartbreaker" or "Jerk-face" just change it to "Stone." Like everyone else in your phone.
- Movie-fest. I try to stay away from the romantics, so I go for action and superhero movies. I also try and stay away from comedy.
- The Rut. Everyone has this. This is when you stare up at your ceiling, not texting, not talking, not even thinking. Almost like you're dead to the world. This is the most depressing part.
- Dopamine. That's the pleasure chemical stuff in your brain. I get mine from exercise. Just remember if you do start exercising, be sure that you're staying hydrated and healthy.
- Denial. "Yeah, he'll call me back. It was probably just a friend that stole his phone. He'll come to his senses." Trust me, that usually doesn't happen.
- Try for Jealousy. I wore the outfits that I knew he liked, always had my hair up, and hung out with all my guy friends.
- Fake it. I surrounded myself with friends and whenever he looked over I would smile and nod, maybe laugh, as if I didn't even notice he was there.
- Music. At first it was all sad stuff and instrumentals, but then it changed into P!nk.
- Cartoon marathon. In PJs and with popcorn mixed with milkduds.
- Deleting the contact but failing and ending up staring at the number wishing he would call. I'm not proud.
The worst part about it was waking up in the morning without that "Good morning beautiful"s.
Okay, this has gone on long enough. Hell, I might not even post this.
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. I promise[maybe] the next video will be more helpful. I just had to get this off my chest.)
Monday, July 8, 2013
Blog-ception anyone?
Hey'yal! So, obviously I've kind of been away for a while. Sorry about that. In almost all honesty, I nearly forgot I even had this thing! So, I felt like I should post something, but I don't know what. Then it hit me! I'll just write about how I write about stuff! At least until I can actually think of something to write, we, go!
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. sometimes I put in P.S.'s)
(P.P.S. I know this was dull, but I promise it'll get better)
How to Blog a Blog (Kell's Way!)
- The first thing I do is I watch the people around me. I see what they have trouble with, or what trends are happening in their life, just stuff like that.
- Second, I write it down. I always have a notebook with me, and when I don't then I have my phone. If I don't write down what I'm thinking then it never gets remembered.
- This is when the writing process begins. Half the time I write during my classes when the teacher loses my interest. Those make the best blogs.
- Intro time! Once I have my topic I always write my intro first. Usually it's the easiest, because it's mostly just saying "Hey, today I'm writing about [insert topic here]"
- Red, orange, green. If you haven't noticed yet, at the end of my intro I always have the here, we, go. I'll tell you the story behind that another time :)
- Next is one of my favorite parts, the picture!!If you didn't see, I haven't put one up yet, but to everyone in the USA, happy late 4th of July!
- Body. I like to do lists, so that's usually the format of my style.
- Story time! If I put in a personal story of my own then I just write it, but if I'm using someone else's life story then I ALWAYS ask for permission to use it.
- C'est fini. Once my list is done I wrap it all up in a quick couple of sentences then I end with my signature...
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. sometimes I put in P.S.'s)
(P.P.S. I know this was dull, but I promise it'll get better)
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
A Potential Relationship?
So if you remember I recently did a note on how to gently end a relationship. But what about starting one. How do you start a dating relationship with someone...maybe I'll find, we, go.
So, recently I think I started a new relationship with this guy. Maybe. We've been texting and flirting, but he hasn't officially said it yet. We hold hands in the halls, but I do that with some of my friends too.
We've been texting on and off for the past week or so, and oh my gosh! He is so amazingly sweet, and would make a great friend. But I don't think he wants to just be friends...
I don't know what I'll do if he asks to be more. I know that prom is coming up, but I don't know if I want to 1) even be there, and 2) be there with a sophmore.
I don't know, this is all new to me, but if this does become something more then maybe I'll be able to help other people with their own relationships.
I'll be sure to keep you guys posted, and hopefully the next post won't be this lame :)
From my corner to your heart, K.
So, recently I think I started a new relationship with this guy. Maybe. We've been texting and flirting, but he hasn't officially said it yet. We hold hands in the halls, but I do that with some of my friends too.
We've been texting on and off for the past week or so, and oh my gosh! He is so amazingly sweet, and would make a great friend. But I don't think he wants to just be friends...
I don't know what I'll do if he asks to be more. I know that prom is coming up, but I don't know if I want to 1) even be there, and 2) be there with a sophmore.
I don't know, this is all new to me, but if this does become something more then maybe I'll be able to help other people with their own relationships.
I'll be sure to keep you guys posted, and hopefully the next post won't be this lame :)
From my corner to your heart, K.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
The Hunter's Games
Last sunday was Easter Sunday, and let me just say, I LOVE Easter. It's one of my favorite holidays. Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Here, we, go.
So first, you wake up you can smell the scent of eggs being cooked mixed with bacon on the skillet. When you come down the stairs you see a basket on the table. In the basket is a bunch of candies; cadbury eggs, sweetarts, ring pops, snickers, taffy, and chocolates. In the back of the basket is usually a DVD, book, or cool/funny shirt that the parents or another sibling picked out.
After breakfast you and your family part ways, doing whatever it is you do in your spare time. Usually around one the rest of the family (aunts, cousins, uncles) come over for lunch/dinner. Some leave or come later because they're family hopping.
The lunch is a buffet style, some of the family stays and eats at the table (Grandma, grandpa, mom, and aunts) some do downstairs and watch TV while eatting (Dad, brothers, me, cousin, sometimes uncle) And some stay in the foyer area where there are couches and chairs (Everyone else).
After mostly everyone is done eatting it's time for the egg hunt. Usually my brother and dad hide them. The thing is though, our yard has barely any hiding places so the eggs are just scattered in the yards (front and back).
Let me explain something real fast. The youngest person in our family (besides the five week old baby) is thirteen, and the oldest is...thirty-four.
So, everyone who wants to play gets baskets and on the count of three leaps off the porch to gather the colorful plastic candy stuffed eggs.
My family doesn't stop at that though, we push and shove, and steal eggs out of others baskets, and tip some baskets over. It's all in good fun and sport.
This year my brother tripped and ripped a tear in his brand new jeans.
We come back in, take the candies from the eggs and put the empty eggs and baskets in a large tub so they're ready for next year.
Then we eat a little more and bring out dessert. Then we have a poker game downstairs at the game table. This year I learned how to play, and I was doing pretty good, until my dad tried to help.
Around ten everyone is gone, taking some food with them for the next day. And we are left to gorge on candy before going to sleep.
I love Easter, and I love my family. I hope you guys had a good Easter, and if you don't celebrate it, I hope you had a good Sunday. :)
From my corner to your heart, K.
So first, you wake up you can smell the scent of eggs being cooked mixed with bacon on the skillet. When you come down the stairs you see a basket on the table. In the basket is a bunch of candies; cadbury eggs, sweetarts, ring pops, snickers, taffy, and chocolates. In the back of the basket is usually a DVD, book, or cool/funny shirt that the parents or another sibling picked out.
After breakfast you and your family part ways, doing whatever it is you do in your spare time. Usually around one the rest of the family (aunts, cousins, uncles) come over for lunch/dinner. Some leave or come later because they're family hopping.
The lunch is a buffet style, some of the family stays and eats at the table (Grandma, grandpa, mom, and aunts) some do downstairs and watch TV while eatting (Dad, brothers, me, cousin, sometimes uncle) And some stay in the foyer area where there are couches and chairs (Everyone else).
After mostly everyone is done eatting it's time for the egg hunt. Usually my brother and dad hide them. The thing is though, our yard has barely any hiding places so the eggs are just scattered in the yards (front and back).
Let me explain something real fast. The youngest person in our family (besides the five week old baby) is thirteen, and the oldest is...thirty-four.
So, everyone who wants to play gets baskets and on the count of three leaps off the porch to gather the colorful plastic candy stuffed eggs.
My family doesn't stop at that though, we push and shove, and steal eggs out of others baskets, and tip some baskets over. It's all in good fun and sport.
This year my brother tripped and ripped a tear in his brand new jeans.
We come back in, take the candies from the eggs and put the empty eggs and baskets in a large tub so they're ready for next year.
Then we eat a little more and bring out dessert. Then we have a poker game downstairs at the game table. This year I learned how to play, and I was doing pretty good, until my dad tried to help.
Around ten everyone is gone, taking some food with them for the next day. And we are left to gorge on candy before going to sleep.
I love Easter, and I love my family. I hope you guys had a good Easter, and if you don't celebrate it, I hope you had a good Sunday. :)
From my corner to your heart, K.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Spring Break!
Some schools have already taken time off for Spring/Easter but my school hasn't, yet. However on friday evening spring break begins! Here, We, Go!
Spring break is ALL about the parties! Many of my friends, including Payton, are going to Florida for break. And what am I doing? I'll be here, playing video games, watching some TV, and painting sets. I'll probably babysit for a little bit if I'm lucky.
I do get to be a model in my friend's photoshoot though, but that's only if the weather stops being so cold. I don't want to get stuck in a short sleeveless dress with no shoes or jacket in the freezing cold again. I've done it once, and it was not pleasant
When school coes back into session I will get to hear all of the wonderful stories of beach parties, or shopping sprees, or "Oh my Gosh Kellie, you should have seen the guys there!" It happens every year.
Usually I just make up a story. The one I used last year was, let me remember it...Oh yeah! I went on a cruise and a dolphin jumped right over my head, then when we landed I slipped off the dock and almost got eatten by a SHARK!
I know, I'm hilarious right. Ha.
Sometimes I just get so annoyed with other people. I want to be happy for them, and I am, and they have a right to talk about their spring break as much as they like. I just get jealous sometimes. I have this whole list of things I want to do, my mini bucket list.
I've only marked one thing off, that was flying a plane. Yeah, I flew it for five minutes, and the real pilot wouldn't even let me do and barrel rolls or anything. :(
So, anyways! I just wanted to say that I hope everyone out there had/has/is having a good spring break. If you're stuck at home, you're not the only one. Besides, that's what the internet and TV is for, to keep you from being bored.
From my corner to your heart, K.
Spring break is ALL about the parties! Many of my friends, including Payton, are going to Florida for break. And what am I doing? I'll be here, playing video games, watching some TV, and painting sets. I'll probably babysit for a little bit if I'm lucky.
I do get to be a model in my friend's photoshoot though, but that's only if the weather stops being so cold. I don't want to get stuck in a short sleeveless dress with no shoes or jacket in the freezing cold again. I've done it once, and it was not pleasant
When school coes back into session I will get to hear all of the wonderful stories of beach parties, or shopping sprees, or "Oh my Gosh Kellie, you should have seen the guys there!" It happens every year.
Usually I just make up a story. The one I used last year was, let me remember it...Oh yeah! I went on a cruise and a dolphin jumped right over my head, then when we landed I slipped off the dock and almost got eatten by a SHARK!
I know, I'm hilarious right. Ha.
Sometimes I just get so annoyed with other people. I want to be happy for them, and I am, and they have a right to talk about their spring break as much as they like. I just get jealous sometimes. I have this whole list of things I want to do, my mini bucket list.
I've only marked one thing off, that was flying a plane. Yeah, I flew it for five minutes, and the real pilot wouldn't even let me do and barrel rolls or anything. :(
So, anyways! I just wanted to say that I hope everyone out there had/has/is having a good spring break. If you're stuck at home, you're not the only one. Besides, that's what the internet and TV is for, to keep you from being bored.
From my corner to your heart, K.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Pay has words to share...
Sadly I've been really down today. Um, my friend Payton's mother passed away last weekend. Here we go.
Recently it's been a crying-fest at Pay's house. As well it should be. Losing someone as important as your mother is very difficult. Pay is only fifteen, and in all honesty she shouldn't have to deal with this.
Other friends and I have been trying to make her feel a little bit better, with no preveil. I wish I could give tips on how to let go, but it all depends on the person and you. I think that friends help. We're all going to go to the funeral to be there for Pay. It's the least we can do.
Payton's dad isn't much better.
He was never there when she needed him. That's what's most hard about this for her...
From my corner to your heart, K.
Recently it's been a crying-fest at Pay's house. As well it should be. Losing someone as important as your mother is very difficult. Pay is only fifteen, and in all honesty she shouldn't have to deal with this.
Other friends and I have been trying to make her feel a little bit better, with no preveil. I wish I could give tips on how to let go, but it all depends on the person and you. I think that friends help. We're all going to go to the funeral to be there for Pay. It's the least we can do.
Payton's dad isn't much better.
He was never there when she needed him. That's what's most hard about this for her...
My dad doesn't even care. He stood there like a good ex-husband. But I knew, it was all fake. He didn't shed a tear, or hold me. No, it was K, Brit and Sarah who took care of me. Thanks a lot pops. I doubt you even liked Mom. I want to say Thank You to Kellie, Sarah, and Brittney you guys are amazing. I know that I'm in a really sucky mood, but you guys understand. You brought me junkfood even though I'm supossed to be on a diet. You know what really sucks? That we didn't really see it coming. I just thought she was sick again. She'd been sick for so long. I guess she didn't want me to know. She didn't want me to worry about her. I should have known though, She was my mom for crying out loud. I should have known, but I didn't....
Mommy, I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't want me like this, and I'll try to get better. I miss you, stay lovely...-Payton-
I didn't know she was going to do that, but it's fine. And I will let my friends monopolize my page whenever they need to. Sometimes, you just need to get things off your chest.
I love my friends, and I'd do anything for them. I hope that your friendships are the same way. Hopefully nothing else will happen, and my next post will be happy and helpful again.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Ending a Relationship... :'(
So, my friend Sammie is having some difficulty with a friendship. She used to be friends with this girl, Emma, but now everything that Emma does just gets on Sammie's nerves. So, because of Sammie, I'm going to talk about relationships mainly friends, but this could also work for significant others too. Here, we, go.
First I need to say something, I don't believe in crushing friendships forever. Because once a relationship is broken, it can never truely be crack free, no matter how much glue you use. But I do believe in distance.
Distance is a powerful thing, it truely is. I once roomed with two of my now dearest friends (Anna and Celsy) at a camp, with the camp started I wasn't too sure about them. Yeah, I liked them, but we weren't exactly friends. After living side by side with them though, now they're some of my closest confidantes.
The same thing can be said true with being apart from someone. I had this bestfriend, we were practically twins. I only see her every other weekend now, and we are slowly drifting apart. It hurts sometimes, but I know that she'll still always be my 'sister'.
Change is good sometimes, you just have to get past the rough parts before you can easily coast through.
Now, on to Sammie's problem with Emma!
So, Miss Samantha my tips to you are this...distance yourself from Emma. Don't give her the cold shoulder, but if she starts to bug you (and I hate typing this, but...) you should POLITELY excuse yourself.
If even in those brief meetings you can't stand the sight of her, or the sound of her voice, then I think it's time to end it. This is the worst case senario, if you can avoid it, then please, don't break it off with her. Becasue like I said, relationships never completely heal.
If you do have to end it though, don't be mean about. Because that could lead to hate, and hate is an ugly emotion. Don't plan out what you'd say, because then you'll start sounding like a hallmark movie. Just, speak through the heart, and hope that it all goes well. (I guess I'm the one sounding like a hallmark movie)
I'm sorry that I don't have any examples to give, but I've only had to break off a friendship once, and that was because she betrayed me. And, I'm not pround of how I acted. I treated my former-friend like garbage, pretending not to see or hear her, ignoring her calls, making sure not to cross paths in the hallway. Don't do what I did.
If possible, let your relationships take care of themselves, most will slowly dissolve (like 'sissy' and I) Others you won't expect to happen (Like with Anna and Celsey.)
My final advise is this, don't worry about. Let life run its course, if people fade then people fade. If you share your whole life story with your two roommates at camps, then you share your whole life story with your two newest friends. You just have to roll with the punches, and hope for the best.
Sorry if this doesn't help, but I hope it does. Like I said, this could also be true for a boy/girlfriend relationship, even a parent/child relationship.
From my corner to your heart, K.
First I need to say something, I don't believe in crushing friendships forever. Because once a relationship is broken, it can never truely be crack free, no matter how much glue you use. But I do believe in distance.
Distance is a powerful thing, it truely is. I once roomed with two of my now dearest friends (Anna and Celsy) at a camp, with the camp started I wasn't too sure about them. Yeah, I liked them, but we weren't exactly friends. After living side by side with them though, now they're some of my closest confidantes.
The same thing can be said true with being apart from someone. I had this bestfriend, we were practically twins. I only see her every other weekend now, and we are slowly drifting apart. It hurts sometimes, but I know that she'll still always be my 'sister'.
Change is good sometimes, you just have to get past the rough parts before you can easily coast through.
Now, on to Sammie's problem with Emma!
So, Miss Samantha my tips to you are this...distance yourself from Emma. Don't give her the cold shoulder, but if she starts to bug you (and I hate typing this, but...) you should POLITELY excuse yourself.
If even in those brief meetings you can't stand the sight of her, or the sound of her voice, then I think it's time to end it. This is the worst case senario, if you can avoid it, then please, don't break it off with her. Becasue like I said, relationships never completely heal.
If you do have to end it though, don't be mean about. Because that could lead to hate, and hate is an ugly emotion. Don't plan out what you'd say, because then you'll start sounding like a hallmark movie. Just, speak through the heart, and hope that it all goes well. (I guess I'm the one sounding like a hallmark movie)
I'm sorry that I don't have any examples to give, but I've only had to break off a friendship once, and that was because she betrayed me. And, I'm not pround of how I acted. I treated my former-friend like garbage, pretending not to see or hear her, ignoring her calls, making sure not to cross paths in the hallway. Don't do what I did.
If possible, let your relationships take care of themselves, most will slowly dissolve (like 'sissy' and I) Others you won't expect to happen (Like with Anna and Celsey.)
My final advise is this, don't worry about. Let life run its course, if people fade then people fade. If you share your whole life story with your two roommates at camps, then you share your whole life story with your two newest friends. You just have to roll with the punches, and hope for the best.
Sorry if this doesn't help, but I hope it does. Like I said, this could also be true for a boy/girlfriend relationship, even a parent/child relationship.
From my corner to your heart, K.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Table Topics Fun Time!
I was going to talk about a really heavy topic, but then I thought to myself, "K, do you really want to be all serious on your day off of practice?" The answer is no. I'll save the heavy stuff for later, for now, we're going to play a little Table Topics! Here. We. Go.
For those of you that don't know, Table Topics is a game. You read off a question then you go around the table and everyone answers. Yeah, I know it doesn't sound like that much fun. Well you know what? This is my page and I'll do as I want, so we're gonna play Table Topics. Let's Go!
Question One: What did you get into trouble for the most when you were young?
Answer: Well, I always picked on the dogs. Oh, and I never had a 'clean' plate at dinner.
Question Two: Would you rather spend a week in jail or serve two years of community service?
Answer: This is going to sound bad, but I've always wondered what jail was like, so I'd be locked away.
Question Three: What five foods do you wish were banished from the earth?
Answer: Umm...I'd have to say Broccoli, Peas, Star Fruit, Hummus! and...Mushrooms.
Question Four: Are you more likely to be guilty of gluttony, lust, rage, jealousy, sloth, greed or pride?
Answer: I'd have to say Pride. That's one of the worst.
Final Question: What Halloween costumes do you remember?
Final Answer: There are sooo many. Hmm, okay. I was about five or six my grandmother made me this cheerleading costume for Hallow's Eve. And oh my gosh, was it a disaster. It was red and white with a little bit of black in it. My hair, which was long at the time, was pulled sloppily into two pigtails, and I was not happy about it. I looked like the cheerleader from Hell.
Thanks for reading, even if you didn't, the next post will probably be much more serious than this was, but hopefully it'll make you think.
From my corner to your heart, K.
(This guy really creeps me out.) |
Question One: What did you get into trouble for the most when you were young?
Answer: Well, I always picked on the dogs. Oh, and I never had a 'clean' plate at dinner.
Question Two: Would you rather spend a week in jail or serve two years of community service?
Answer: This is going to sound bad, but I've always wondered what jail was like, so I'd be locked away.
Question Three: What five foods do you wish were banished from the earth?
Answer: Umm...I'd have to say Broccoli, Peas, Star Fruit, Hummus! and...Mushrooms.
Question Four: Are you more likely to be guilty of gluttony, lust, rage, jealousy, sloth, greed or pride?
Answer: I'd have to say Pride. That's one of the worst.
Final Question: What Halloween costumes do you remember?
Final Answer: There are sooo many. Hmm, okay. I was about five or six my grandmother made me this cheerleading costume for Hallow's Eve. And oh my gosh, was it a disaster. It was red and white with a little bit of black in it. My hair, which was long at the time, was pulled sloppily into two pigtails, and I was not happy about it. I looked like the cheerleader from Hell.
Thanks for reading, even if you didn't, the next post will probably be much more serious than this was, but hopefully it'll make you think.
From my corner to your heart, K.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Here. We. Go.
Half-days are the dumbest thing that schools ever came up with. I know why they halve only four hour days, to get money from the state, but still!
First of all, teachers don't have enough time for an actual lesson, so nearly every class is a study hall. Second, no one wants to give homework because the likelyhood of it getting done are slim to none. Thirdly, by the end of those painstakingly dull hours everyone is starving and grumpy. Because everyone wants to go out to B-dubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) or Cherry Berry (A frozen yoguart place) the parking lot is a nightmare to get out of!
What really sucks is that my little cousin's school doesn't get out for another half hour, and I have to pick him up. So I'm past hungry, and all I want to do is get home, eat, and enjoy the day.
Gosh, I like half-days, don't get me wrong. Any time away from school is time well spent, but it's just a pain sometimes.
From my corner to your heart, K.
Half-days are the dumbest thing that schools ever came up with. I know why they halve only four hour days, to get money from the state, but still!
First of all, teachers don't have enough time for an actual lesson, so nearly every class is a study hall. Second, no one wants to give homework because the likelyhood of it getting done are slim to none. Thirdly, by the end of those painstakingly dull hours everyone is starving and grumpy. Because everyone wants to go out to B-dubs (Buffalo Wild Wings) or Cherry Berry (A frozen yoguart place) the parking lot is a nightmare to get out of!
What really sucks is that my little cousin's school doesn't get out for another half hour, and I have to pick him up. So I'm past hungry, and all I want to do is get home, eat, and enjoy the day.
Gosh, I like half-days, don't get me wrong. Any time away from school is time well spent, but it's just a pain sometimes.
From my corner to your heart, K.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
In case anyone is wondering, I did make it into the musical. I get to be a part of the wonderful people that make up the choir ensemble! Onto other news, recently in my sociology class we did this activity that delt with values. Here, we, go.
Everyone in class had to put the twenty values (above) in order of most to least important. I've desided to share my countdown with you. 1 is most important and 20 is less important to me. Remember, that I think all of them are important, but if I had to order them...
As for why I put 20 as imaginative, it's not because I think that imagination is stupid. It's just when I look at the big picture all of the values at 1-19 just seem a little more important. And I'm not meaning that to sound mean, that's just the way my value system works.
Keep in mind that it took me a while to come up with this order, and that in all honesty a lot of things would have tied if that were possible.
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Probably won't be writing constantly like I wanted to be doing because of musical practice.)
Everyone in class had to put the twenty values (above) in order of most to least important. I've desided to share my countdown with you. 1 is most important and 20 is less important to me. Remember, that I think all of them are important, but if I had to order them...
20 Values all in a row!
- Self-Control
- Dependable
- Honest
- Loyal
- Mature
- Supportive
- Caring
- Courageous
- Competent
- Ambitious
- Forward-looking
- Fair-minded
- Determinded
- Broad-minded
- Independent
- Intelligent
- Cooperative
- Straightforward
- Inspiring
- Imaginative
As for why I put 20 as imaginative, it's not because I think that imagination is stupid. It's just when I look at the big picture all of the values at 1-19 just seem a little more important. And I'm not meaning that to sound mean, that's just the way my value system works.
Keep in mind that it took me a while to come up with this order, and that in all honesty a lot of things would have tied if that were possible.
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Probably won't be writing constantly like I wanted to be doing because of musical practice.)
Monday, February 4, 2013
Nervous? Here's some tips.
So, in a few hours I will be standing in an auditorium with people staring at me. I will be judged on how well my dancing abilities are, and how well I can sing. The judges will stare at me, the only one on stage, and they will silently critique me. Gosh, and I, we, go.
I'm planning on trying out for my school's play, West Side Story. Let me give you a little back ground. The last time I sang in front of someone was five years ago, the last time I preformed was four years ago, the last time I danced in front of people, never.
Not entirely sure why I let my friend rope me into this, but it happened and now I have to follow it through. Nervousness is a dangerous place of thought. I get nervous all the time, before band concerts, when marching at a football game, when giving speeches or presentations, even when simply talking to adults. But I get the most nervous when I have to sing.
People tell me I have a good voice, but I have a trust issue so I don't believe them. I've slowly found a way to cope with this nervousness, and I've decided to share it with the internet. So, here ya' go internet.
From my corner to your heart, K.
I'm planning on trying out for my school's play, West Side Story. Let me give you a little back ground. The last time I sang in front of someone was five years ago, the last time I preformed was four years ago, the last time I danced in front of people, never.
Not entirely sure why I let my friend rope me into this, but it happened and now I have to follow it through. Nervousness is a dangerous place of thought. I get nervous all the time, before band concerts, when marching at a football game, when giving speeches or presentations, even when simply talking to adults. But I get the most nervous when I have to sing.
People tell me I have a good voice, but I have a trust issue so I don't believe them. I've slowly found a way to cope with this nervousness, and I've decided to share it with the internet. So, here ya' go internet.
12 Ways to Become Less Nervous.
- Listen to music to distance yourself.
- Go over everything in your head.
- Picture yourself making every mistake possible, from a loose shoe tie to a cataclysmic explosion, and figure out how to prevent it.
- Exercising is pretty much the key to everything.
- Watch a comedy, if time allows.
- Tell yourself that you have something to prove.
- Do something else. I like to do some ASL before speeches.
- Look your best. If you look good you'll feel good.
- Don't eat junk food, it'll just make your nerves worse.
- Say the alphabet backwards, it'll give your mind something else to do. If you can easily say your ZYX's then count backwards from fifty.
- Take a deep breath and try to shake it off. If you know Sharpay from High School Musical, do what she does with the brrr thing. (That made a lot of sense...)
- Finally, say that you'll do just fine. Because you will. Remember that you'll do great.
None of these are sure fire ways to calm your nerves, but I hope they help even if it's just a little.
Good wishes in whatever you do in your life, and wish me luck.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
St. Valentine's Day Blues
Grrr, do you know how UN-swanky school is? It's like the teacher feed on the souls of the students they instruct. What's worse is that St. Valentie's Day is coming up, and that just makes me sad that I'm still perpetually single. Totally un-swanky! Here, we, go.
Gah! Sometimes I just hate school! Between hating teachers, to watching people make out in the halls, to having to eat gross food at lunch it all just basically sucks. And now, what's worse is that I have six projects due, all in the same week! I can't wait for summer to get here, or at least spring break.
To add on the that Valentine's Day coming up. Which means pretty much everyone has a boy/girl friend! And what do I have? Books and TV. Oh, unless you count homework.
My school does two things during Valentine's Day, we send out carnations and then we have "Love Grams." A love gram is exactly what it sounds like. A couple groups of kids go around the school and sing to the people on their list.
At first it's kind of fun, watching other people get sang to, but after a while it just gets annoying. So annoying that you want to take their silly little guitar and slam it over their heads!
Long story short no one ever sends me a love gram. I don't even get a carnation unless I talk one of my friends into getting me one!
I dislike St. Valentine's Day....which I know is a very un-swankified mood to have but you know what? It makes one percent of the world all depressed to not have anyone love them, and that makes me sad. Especially when on the 15th we all have to hear about everyone's romantic evening...
From my corner to your heart, K.
To add on the that Valentine's Day coming up. Which means pretty much everyone has a boy/girl friend! And what do I have? Books and TV. Oh, unless you count homework.
My school does two things during Valentine's Day, we send out carnations and then we have "Love Grams." A love gram is exactly what it sounds like. A couple groups of kids go around the school and sing to the people on their list.
At first it's kind of fun, watching other people get sang to, but after a while it just gets annoying. So annoying that you want to take their silly little guitar and slam it over their heads!
Long story short no one ever sends me a love gram. I don't even get a carnation unless I talk one of my friends into getting me one!
I dislike St. Valentine's Day....which I know is a very un-swankified mood to have but you know what? It makes one percent of the world all depressed to not have anyone love them, and that makes me sad. Especially when on the 15th we all have to hear about everyone's romantic evening...
From my corner to your heart, K.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Swankified bookcase fun time!
Lately I've been sick. I only get sick once or twice a year, so when it happens it's kind of a pain in the butt. I'm taking medicine though, so soon I should be back to normal. When I Get sick I pretty much read all day. But, I just finished my books and I'm suffering from book hangover...Here, we, go.
For those who don't know, a "Book Hangover" is when you can't read a new book because your mind is still with the previous book. It sucks because I just bought a bunch of new books too!
Okay, honestly I don't know where this was going, because I don't have a cure for Book Hangovers, so I think I'm just going to put a few pictures of some pretty swankified (awesome) bookcases!
That was fun, wasn't it? I would love to have that yellow chair. I wonder if it comes in green.....That'd be pretty swanky.
Guys, it's a bookcase AND a chair! Why didn't I think of that?! |
For those who don't know, a "Book Hangover" is when you can't read a new book because your mind is still with the previous book. It sucks because I just bought a bunch of new books too!
Okay, honestly I don't know where this was going, because I don't have a cure for Book Hangovers, so I think I'm just going to put a few pictures of some pretty swankified (awesome) bookcases!
Is it a staircase? Is it a bookshelf? I don't know! |
![]() |
Stair/bookcase! |
![]() |
Even better than the first one! |
![]() |
That's it folks! |
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Swankified should totally be a word. It can have two forms. Something can be swankified, or other things (like people) can be swanky! Take that swag.)
Friday, January 18, 2013
If you could change it (pt. 3)
Family. It should be the most important thing to anyone, too bad it isn't. I feel like families are so underrated, especially with the 'younger crowd.' I'm simply going to make a list for this one. I tried a few days ago to write this, and I didn't get very far before realizing that I was holding back my true feelings. So, I'm determined to let out every scar that I wish I could heal. Here, we, go.
If I could go back and change things with my family, this is what I'd do....
Apologize for all the things I said to my birth mother.
Take back all the lies.
Stop the yelling between my half-brother and half-sister.
Not sneak out, or try to run away.
Always tell the truth.
Take my Dad's advise.
Not steal.
Not fight with my grandmother.
Not hide.
Not shove all my problems away from everyone.
Not wish I was somewhere else.
Not yell at my step-father.
And most of all, not pretend that everything was fine.
Obviously this is a very personal list, but I think that's what makes it real. And that's what this is, this is all 100% true, and very hard to admit to myself, let alone type it on the internet. If you're picture of me was a perfect angel of a person, I'm sorry that it's now tarnished.
I asked this question to my group of friends and even though none of them answered, I realized that everyone has things they wish they could remove from their life. No one is alone in this, and it's not something to be ashamed of.
A few minutes ago I was tempted to delete this and tell you all that I couldn't finish because of reasons that would be fasle. But I think that people need to realize, I'm not ashamed anymore of what I've done.
Yes, I wish I could take all of this back, but I know that if I had the chance I wouldn't do it. All of these "mistakes" made me who I am now. And without them, I don't know what my life would be like, I don't even want to think about it.
I can't change my past, but I can sure as heck try to help other people's futures. Don't take anything for granted, because you'll never know how much you'll wish you could go back and change everything...
From my corner to your heart, K.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
If you could change it. (pt. 2)
On to part two, the teen years of life. Here, we, go.
For the last few years I have been living the life of an average teenager. Wake up, eat, go to school, do homework, play on computer, eat, shower, more computer, sleep, and repeat. It get rather repeatitive, but it's life and you get used to it.
If I could go back with my time machine I'd change very little. I'm not saying I'm a saint and I have nothing to change, but I don't need to erase any wild parties, or drunken phone calls. I'll save that for when I go to college.
I'd delete a few friends who stabbed me in the back, and a few teachers who I swore were out to get me, but that's it. Maybe I'd try to add a few really good friends, or convince myself to try out for a team, but right now life isn't so bad.
I'm not good at being a teen. I wasn't in a rush to get my lisence, I don't sneak out to go see my boyfriend, I've never even been grounded. Because of that, I don't have anything to change.
I'm sure everyone is different though, some people have this thing called a life, I wonder if you can buy that on ebay...time to go look.
From my corner to your heart, K.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
If you could change it. (pt 1)
I wrote this prompt a while ago, I just sadly haven't had much time at my keyboard recently. The prompt I wrote is, "If you could do it differently, how would you change it?" I'm going to seperate this prompt into a few sections, Childhood, Teen years, and Family. I would write about adulthood, but I haven't traveled that journey yet. So, I'm going to section these topics into three different posts, it just seems easier that way. Here, we, go.
As a kid I played in the sand box, and played with my friends (imaginary and real). I played with barbies and had them act out scenes from movies. I had my Mother put my hair up into beautiful braids, and amazing buns.
I ate all the candy, and always got caught taking from the cookie jar. I hid the messes I made, and cried when I didn't get my way. I begged and whined for that new toy that got boring after five minutes. I watched Blue's Clue's and loved going over to grandmother's house.
Looking back on it, my childhood wasn't that bad, it was better than some peoples. When thinking about it, I still wish I had done other things.
Instead of playing Barbie, I wish I had been learning ballet, or gymnastics. Instead of wanting to have that new toy, I should have wanted to try new things. Instead of wanting my way all the time, I should have been thankful for what I had.
As a kid all I wanted to do was have a carefree good time, but because of that, I can't do anything that I'm interested in now.
If I could get my hands on a time machine, I'd go back and convince myself to take either dance, gymnastics, or self-defense. Or at least, I'd warn myself not to fall off the rocking chair and split my head open....
So, if you could get your hands on a time machine, what would you tell your child-self?
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Part two should be out soon, but classes have been a bit difficult, so don't hold me to that.)
As a kid I played in the sand box, and played with my friends (imaginary and real). I played with barbies and had them act out scenes from movies. I had my Mother put my hair up into beautiful braids, and amazing buns.
I ate all the candy, and always got caught taking from the cookie jar. I hid the messes I made, and cried when I didn't get my way. I begged and whined for that new toy that got boring after five minutes. I watched Blue's Clue's and loved going over to grandmother's house.
Looking back on it, my childhood wasn't that bad, it was better than some peoples. When thinking about it, I still wish I had done other things.
Instead of playing Barbie, I wish I had been learning ballet, or gymnastics. Instead of wanting to have that new toy, I should have wanted to try new things. Instead of wanting my way all the time, I should have been thankful for what I had.
As a kid all I wanted to do was have a carefree good time, but because of that, I can't do anything that I'm interested in now.
If I could get my hands on a time machine, I'd go back and convince myself to take either dance, gymnastics, or self-defense. Or at least, I'd warn myself not to fall off the rocking chair and split my head open....
So, if you could get your hands on a time machine, what would you tell your child-self?
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Part two should be out soon, but classes have been a bit difficult, so don't hold me to that.)
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
New Years (-.-) Is it over yet?
I tried to find a picture, but I couldn't. Sorry Google, you just didn't do the job this time. So, without a picture let's jump right in! Here, we, go.
So, as many of you, if not all of you know it is now officially 2013. Yay. You know, I don't mind have a new year. New Year's day is a celebration about making a fresh start, and forgetting all the garbage that you've had to deal with for the past 365.25 days.
I also don't mind parties, in fact I don't care if you have the biggest New Year's party on the block. But do not come out of your house at quarter after twelve in the morning and start ringing bells and blowing air horns!
See, the thing with a party is I expect the noise, and roudiness. When everything is quiet though, and it's past midnight, and you've never made a single party-like noise, don't go outside and cheer at every freaking car that passes by.
Don't do it. Because that makes me angry, and it makes me want to go outside and yell at you for being stupid.
Also, don't let your children lay in the middle of a busy road in the middle of the night, that's just asking for someone to run them over!
Come on people, use this thing called Common Sense! Even animals have it!
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Sorry about this turning into a rant.)
So, as many of you, if not all of you know it is now officially 2013. Yay. You know, I don't mind have a new year. New Year's day is a celebration about making a fresh start, and forgetting all the garbage that you've had to deal with for the past 365.25 days.
I also don't mind parties, in fact I don't care if you have the biggest New Year's party on the block. But do not come out of your house at quarter after twelve in the morning and start ringing bells and blowing air horns!
See, the thing with a party is I expect the noise, and roudiness. When everything is quiet though, and it's past midnight, and you've never made a single party-like noise, don't go outside and cheer at every freaking car that passes by.
Don't do it. Because that makes me angry, and it makes me want to go outside and yell at you for being stupid.
Also, don't let your children lay in the middle of a busy road in the middle of the night, that's just asking for someone to run them over!
Come on people, use this thing called Common Sense! Even animals have it!
From my corner to your heart, K.
(P.S. Sorry about this turning into a rant.)
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