Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful times for food


 Good Thursday morning to anyone who doesn't live in the USofA, but to those of you who dooooo....HAPPY TURKEY-DAY! Here, we, go!!!


Today is a day where the family gathers around the table, forgets their differences, and is at peace with one another, ha, yeah right.
That may be what happens in movies, but everyone know that Thanksgiving is ALL about the food, most importantly, the turkey, and mashed potatoes. Or, if you live with my family, my grandpa's noodles!
So, My parents and I are going over to my Aunt's house in a bit to eat dried over-cooked turkey, lumpy mashed potatoes, uncooked mac-n-cheese, sweet potatoes (my mom makes those so I can't accurately say if they're good or not) greenbeen cassorole (same with that one) J-Ello squares (you can't screw up J-Ello) and my grandpa's amazing, to die for, noodles.
We're also having dessert, but those change every year.
What's best, is that Christmas is soooo close to Thanksgiving this year! (Or what ever other winter holiday you celebrate.) And Christmas means homemade Christmas carmels from my grandmother. Yum!
Ok, that's all I got for today, I hope you have the greatest of days no matter where you are!!
From my corner to your heart, K.

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