Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sarah's Story, and Fear

So, The other day my friend whom I hadn't talked to in years texts me this: "Hy Kell, Im knd of n a rut & jst wntd some1 to talk 2...thngs arnt goin gr8 right now..." So, after I got over the fact that my friend's english sucks, I called and asked her what was wrong. That's what I'm going to write about today. Not her life, because I didn't get her permission to post all of it, but I can share some, and I want to reach out to who ever is out there and needs someone to talk or relate to.  Here, we, go.

(If You haven't seen Charlie, or heard about him you should go check him out.)
My friend's name is Sarah, she had seen Charlie's video about being scared. I felt a little honored, because I was the one she went to first, she had never told anyone this before. She explained to me about her family issues, and how her jerk of a boyfriend had broken up with her. She talked about when she was little and the kids made fun of her for being overweight, then for dieting, and for being too thin. She said that she's never forgotten those terrible memories.
I wasn't in Sarah's class, when we were kids I didn't even know her, but I felt her pain as if I was the one in her position.
That got me thinking about my own life. She said that she was so scared, of everything. Of college, not fitting in, disappointing her parents. It sounded like normal things, then she said the words, "Some times I just don't know if life is worth living if you're scared all the time."
When she said that, my heart dropped. I told her I would find something for her to live for.
I didn't realize how hard that would be. I couldn't tell if I was talking about Sarah or myself. Then I realized, I was talking about everybody.
Everyone needs something to live for. It took me a little while, but I figured out what needed you as much as you needed it. So I called Sarah back.
I told her that she shouldn't live for anyone except herself. That she should relax and rememer why as a kid she did anything. It was because she like it. Because it brought her joy.
Shouldn't that be what life is about? Making yourself happy? Sarah and I agreed that we would work on it, living for ourselves. It's going to be hard, but I think with some encouragement we can do it.
I'd love it if everyone did this. It's okay to be scared, but you can't let it rule your life. Being frightened that's what makes us human, so go ahead, be afraid for a little while. Cry if you feel the need, scream, punch a pillow, do whatever you need to do. But once you've done that, stop, and don't let that feeling back in for a day or a week, maybe even a month.
After that time is up, be scared for another few minutes, then change from having a month without fear, to two months. Eventually you'll get to a year, and it won't matter if you're scared or not, because you'll know how to deal with it.
This is what I told Sarah, and this is what I'm telling you. If you're going through a hard time that's fine, it happens to the best of us. But it's how you handle it that makes you stronger.
So be strong.

From my corner to your heart, K.
(I'm sorry this was so long, but it means a lot to me. Thank you for reading it to the end.)

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